Friday, 18 February 2011

Day 5 - Acts 2:22-36

It’s all about Him
Peter was ready and willing to get up and explain what was happening, in a way that really connected with his audience. (His ‘fellow Israelites’ would have been familiar with David and the Psalms from which he quoted – they were part of their heritage).

It’s worth noting how much Peter focussed on Jesus – he talked about His humanity, His death and resurrection, His exaltation and His lordship. The Gospel does meet people’s needs, but ultimately it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1; Rom 15:19; Gal1:7) i.e. it is Christ-centred, not man-centred. How would you explain the gospel to someone?

Can you distil into a few sentences some Christ-centred gospel truths that would connect with the sort of people you meet day by day? You could try to put what Peter said into contemporary language that is easy for a non-churched person to understand.

Prayer Points
1. Pray for opportunities to share some of these truths with someone in the coming week.
2. Pray too that you personally will go deeper in your understanding and appreciation of Jesus.
3. Pray that as CCK goes multi-site we’d have further opportunities to present the gospel in a way that  connects even better with people in Brighton and Hove

[notes based on King's Church Catford "40 days" devotional notes]

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