The Church is Born
It’s good to take stock of how we’re doing from time to time, and today is an opportunity for a personal and corporate spiritual check-up.
Peter had preached his heart out, and the Holy Spirit powerfully convicted the people who were listening of their need to respond to what Peter had said. His answer to their question, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’ could be summarised as ‘Repent … be baptised … be filled with the Holy Spirit’. Then he explained how this radical new birth would lead to a radical new lifestyle quite different from that of the ’corrupt generation’ they lived among. Take a few moments now to reflect on your own life in light of these commands.
Now re-read verses 42-47. They give us a great snapshot of the sort of church God wants. Think about the characteristics that are mentioned – teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, prayer, signs and wonders, provision for those in need, praise, enjoying the favour of those outside, seeing people being saved daily! Doesn’t your heart long for Brighton and the UK to be filled with churches like that?
Prayer Points
1. Firstly, thank God for what we already experience of these characteristics in CCK. Take time over this – we shouldn’t take these things for granted.
2. Then pray that God will cause us to grow in those areas where we need to see increase.
3. Pray that God will release a spirit of great generosity amongst us.
[post based on King's Church Catford "40 days" devotional notes]
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