Wednesday, 9 February 2011

A Week of Praying and Fasting, starts Monday 14th

Dear Friends

CCK are embarking on yet more changes, planning to launch a site in the West and one in the East too! I am praying that as each day passes we will have a growing sense of faith and anticipation for this exciting new season, as we move towards being one church in three locations

Over the next twelve months we plan to do 4 Sunday meetings across 3 sites.
-          New England Quarter (Clarendon Centre)
-          West Brighton
-          East Brighton

We will be one church in multiple locations. We will have one name, one eldership, one staff team, one vision, one mission, one philosophy, one teaching programme, one membership, one website, one budget and one legal identity.

The elders will continue to oversee all the sites. Each site will have a site leader and team, who will look after some ministry areas on that site. At the moment the only positions that are in place are that Matt Davis will lead in the West and Stephen Dawson will lead in the East. Many of the other details are very much up in the air as we pray and make plans.

There has always been a great atmosphere of prayer at CCK. And it’s at times like this that we want to press into prayer even more. That we may go deeper into God, that he will prepare us for going multi-site and that he will lead us in that. As a result I’d like to invite you to join me in Praying and Fasting next week (Monday 14th- Sunday 20th Feb).

To serve us in this I’ll be putting up blog posts each day. I hope they will encourage you and fuel your prayers. You can also leave comments and encouragement for others to use. I’ve also included some helpful fasting guidelines below that I’ve reproduced form the Newfrontiers church in Catford.

Fasting Guidelines
It is time to seek the Lord. The primary motivation of fasting must be to seek the Lord. Fasting is a Biblical discipline which aids us in the seriousness of seeking God. To assist you in preparing for fasting please read the following and ask the Spirit to guide you as to how, when and for how long He wants you to fast and pray.

Types of Fast
  1. The Absolute Fast. To fast completely without food or water up to a maximum of three days: see Esther 4 v16, Ezra 10 v6 and Acts 9 v9
  2. The Partial or Daniel Fast. A determined cutting back of food to vegetables and fruit only, or one meal a day. This is a practical fast for those involved in heavy work or who have medical reasons for requiring regular good intake: See Daniel 10 v2, 3.
  3. The Normal Fast. No food is eaten and drinking only water
  4. The Juice Fast. Some prefer to have a liquid only fast which allows for more physical work. Many use this type of fast for their long fast.
  5. Fasting from other things E.g. television and use the time to pray instead!

Spiritual Guidelines
  1. Fasting must first and foremost be unto God. Receiving from God or seeing situations changed are secondary matters. Be sure your motives are appropriate as you enter into your fast. Desire to meet with God, to be more Christ like and for the holiness of God to be more evident in your life.
  2. Schedule in time to pray and read the Word of God. If you don’t you will miss wonderful opportunities to hear from God.
  3. Be prepared for opposition. This will come from the enemy as he doesn’t want you to fast. It will also come from your own body, which is used to having three meals a day! You may also find that well meaning friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues etc. will actively encourage you to stop.
  4. Headaches, dizziness, tiredness, touchiness, etc. are all part of fasting too!
  5. One writer said he never new the strength of the “desires of the flesh and lust of the eyes” to be so strong as when he fasted.
  6. Expect to hear God in dreams, visions, revelations and through the Word of God in new and exciting ways.
  7. Do not listen to the lie that nothing is happening. Fasting is a discipline that God has instigated, He blesses the obedient.

Practical Guidelines
  1. This is not a comprehensive list of guidelines but some helpful hints.
  2. Fast with someone else. There is strength in number!
  3. Make a commitment and set a duration. However, be willing to review the duration if health or circumstances change.
  4. If drinking juice, drink low or non-acidic diluted juices. Watch your intake; schedule it so you are self-controlled.
  5. If underweight or ill, consult your doctor even for a few days fast.
  6. Don’t boast about your fast. It is to be done in secret, but don’t be legalistic about this. Tell those who need to know.
  7. Schedule in regular rest breaks as you grow weary and exercise only lightly.
  8. Break the fast gradually, especially prolonged fasts.
  9. Remember we are under Grace not Law. If at any point you feel you need to break the fast, be released to do so. Fasting is to meet with God, not to damage our bodies or create condemnation.
  10. We are not expecting anyone to fast more than 3 days at a time, however if you are planning on fasting for longer, it is good to let someone on the zone leadership team know.

If you want to talk to someone about fasting, please feel free
to speak to any of the zone leadership team

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